In Gabon
The 4 forest concessions managed by Rougier are certified by the independent body, the Forest Stewardship Council® (or FSC®). This acts as a guarantee that the forest’s socio-economic and environmental value is being protected and satisfies the most stringent requirements of a global market that is very aware of the importance of sustainable development.
The four concessions are those of Haut-Abanga, (293,833 ha, FSC-C116230), Ogooué-Ivindo (282,030 ha, FSC-C144419), Léké (130,973 ha, FSC-C150501) and Moyabi (189,989 ha, FSC-C150523). All are sustainably managed. Rougier Gabon also possesses an FSC® certificate for the Chain of Custody (CoC) of a primary processing industrial site (lumber) in Mboumba-Oyali (Haut-Ogooué). This is also the case for its commercial logging activity in Gabon and its dimensional lumber exports (FSC-C118282).
This certification helps combat illegal logging.
The FSC® label
Established in1994 in Oaxaca (Mexico), two years after the Earth Summit in Rio, the FSC® is known worldwide for having drawn up the principles and criteria (P&C) underpinning the promotion of sustainable forest management. This organization enables private bodies to apply for certification.
The 10 principles of FSC® certification cover compliance with laws, labour rights and working conditions, the rights of indigenous peoples, good relations with local communities, social benefits created by the forest, environmental values and impacts, management plans, monitoring and evaluation, High Conservation Values (HCV) and the implementation of management activities.
The FSC® international certification scheme owner does not accept genetically modified trees.

In the Republic of the Congo
Our subsidiary Rougier Congo (Mokabi SA) manages a 586 330 hectares forestry concession. Since 4 November 2024, it has held the Preferred by Nature certification, aligned with the new European Regulation on deforestation and forest degradation (RDUE) for the management of its Mokabi-Dzanga Forestry Development Unit (north region). This certification confirms the traceability and geolocation of the company’s wood products, guaranteeing its end customers that the marketed wood material is free from deforestation and respects the rights of local populations.
By obtaining this certification, Rougier Congo became the first actor operating in the Congo Basin (Central Africa) to be certified according to this new scheme, reaffirming Rougier’s pioneering role in sustainable development and the protection of forest ecosystems.
The LegalSource™ standard
The LegalSource™ standard is the backbone of the LegalSource™ programme and due diligence system.
By setting out the requirements relating to supply chain management, risk assessment, risk mitigation and quality management systems, it enables organizations to demonstrate that Legal source™ certification reduces the risk of producing or purchasing illegal timber products.
This type of certification is often a first step towards a more sustainable forest management approach.
From 08.02.2024 to 08.01.2029
From 08.02.2024 to 08.01.2029
FROM 11.04.2024 TO 11.03.2029