Type of share accounts
There are several methods of holding Rougier SA shares, regardless of the size of your holding.
Bearer shares
Your securities account is entrusted to the financial intermediary you choose. This method of holding shares allows you to have all the shares in your portfolio in the one account, but Rougier will not be able to identify the owner of these shares. You are responsible for paying the account management fees.
Registered shares
Your shares are registered specifically – and only – with Rougier SA, enabling the company to communicate directly with you and offer a service that’s tailored to you.
There are two kinds of registered shares:
- Externally administered:
Your shares remain registered with your financial intermediary, who will manage them and keep the relevant share certificates safe for you. This method of holding shares means Rougier SA can identify you as a share owner and establish a direct relationship with you in order to offer a more personalized service. However, you will have to pay the account management fees. - Pure registered:
Your shares will be registered and kept in your name in Rougier SA’s accounts Our company will delegate the management of these shares to the Securities Department of CIC Market Solutions who will be your sole point of contact You will not have to pay the account management fees
What are the advantages of the pure registered approach?
- You will make savings on management fees and some day-to-day management fees
- ROUGIER SA will cover all your account management fees The only fees you will have to pay are the brokerage fees for the transactions you request
- You will receive a personal invitation to the company’s General Meetings and will receive all the relevant documentation, by email or letter, according to your preference
- You will benefit from a direct relationship with our company that’s tailored to you
- You will be able to contact CIC Market Solutions to manage your account via a dedicated phone line: 0033 (0)1 53 48 80 10 (email:
- You will receive a statement every time a financial transaction is carried out
To sign up for a pure registered account
- For more information, please consult our Shareholders’ guide.
- To transfer your shareholding to a pure registered account, download this form.
Taking part in General Meetings
Notice of meeting
Registered shareholders will receive a notice of meeting from ROUGIER SA 15 days before the date the General Meeting is to be held, inviting them to attend. All documentation relating to General Meetings will be made available on the company’s website and sent by post to any shareholder who so requests.
Holders of bearer shares will have to take steps themselves to find out when General Meetings are being held, as they are not listed in ROUGIER SA’s company records.
You may exercise your right to vote in the General Meeting in three ways:
- By attending the General Meeting in person
- By using the postal voting form
- By appointing a proxy, either a natural or a legal person
In order to attend, to have someone attend on their behalf or to have a postal vote, shareholders must have their shares registered in the company’s records at least three working days before the General Meeting.
To attend a General Meeting
- if you are a registered shareholder, you are welcome to attend the meeting
- if you are a holder of bearer shares, you must be able to prove your share ownership before the meeting by means of a shareholding certificate (which your financial intermediary will provide upon request)
Your voting rights
Each share of stock or dividend share entitles you to one vote.
Double voting rights are allocated to all shares that have been registered for a continuous period of at least five years in the name of the shareholder in question.
Any shares converted into bearer shares or whose ownership is transferred will lose their double voting rights.
You simply need to own one share to become a Rougier SA shareholder and benefit from all the rights that the law and the company’s bylaws provide for. When you become a Rougier SA shareholder, you become the owner of a portion of its capital and thus directly play a part in its growth.
Capital structure
Share ownership breakdown

Share gross voting rights breakdown

Listing market
EURONEXT GROWTH Paris (ex-Alternext)
ISIN – Ticker: FR0000037640 – ALRGR
Bloomberg code: ALRGR:FP
Reuters code: ALRGR.PA
Number of shares: 1,092,000
Gross voting rights: 1,866,417
Net voting rights: 1,857,216